- Achievement(Instance):成就(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/achievement/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- created_time
- application
- achievement
- likes
- comments
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Photo albums:相簿(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/album/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(相簿編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/99394368305 (Coca-Cola's wall photos)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- name
- description
- location
- link
- cover_photo
- privacy
- count
- type
- created_time
- updated_time
- Applications:應用程式(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/application/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(應用程式編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/2439131959 (the Graffiti app)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- name
- link
- category
- likes
- location
- phone
- checkins
- picture
- creator_uid
- deauth_callback_url
- iphone_app_store_id
- hosting_url
- mobile_web_url
- page_tab_default_name
- page_tab_url
- privacy_policy_url
- secure_canvas_url
- secure_page_tab_url
- server_ip_whitelist
- social_discovery
- terms_of_service_url
- user_support_email
- user_support_url
- website_url
- Checkins:打卡(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/checkin/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(打卡編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/414866888308 (Check-in at a pizzeria)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- tags
- place
- application
- created_time
- likes
- message
- comments
- type
- Comment:留言(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/Comment/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(留言編號)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- message
- created_time
- likes
- user_likes
- type
- Domain:網域(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/domain/)
- 存取方式:
- https://graph.facebook.com/(網域編號)
- https://graph.facebook.com/?domain=(網址),(網址),....
- 範例:
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- name
- 存取方式:
- Events:活動(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/event/)
- https://graph.facebook.com/251906384206 (Facebook Developer Garage Austin)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(活動編號)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id:編號
- owner:擁有者
- name:姓名
- id:編號
- name:名稱
- description:描述
- start_time:開始時間
- end_time:結束時間
- location:地點
- venue:場所
- street:街道
- city:城市
- state:洲
- country:國家
- privacy:隱私狀態
- updated_time:更新時間
- FriendList:朋友清單(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/FriendList/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- name
- list_type
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Groups:社團(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/group/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(社團編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/195466193802264 (Facebook Developers group)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id:編號
- version:版本
- icon:圖示
- owner:擁有者
- name:姓名
- id:使用者編號
- description:描述
- name:社團名稱
- link:連結
- privacy:隱私狀態
- updated_time:更新時間
- email:社團電子郵件
- Insights:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/insights/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- name
- period
- values
- description
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Link:連結(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/link/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(連結編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/114961875194024
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- link
- name
- comments
- description
- icon
- picture
- message
- created_time
- type
- Message:訊息(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/message/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- created_time
- from
- to
- message
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Notes:網誌文章(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/note/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(網誌文章編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/122788341354 (Note announcing Facebook for iPhone 3.0)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- subject
- message
- comments
- created_time
- updated_time
- icon
- Order:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/order/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- amount
- status
- application
- country
- refund_reason_code
- created_time
- updated_time
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Pages:粉絲專頁(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/)
- 存取方式: https://graph.facebook.com/(粉絲專頁名稱)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/cocacola (Coca-Cola page)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id:編號
- name:名稱
- link:網址
- category:分類
- likes:讚數量
- location:地點(經緯度)
- phone:電話
- checkins:打卡
- picture:大頭貼網址
- website:網站
- talking_about_count:談論
- access_token:存取代碼
- is_published:公開
- username:暱稱
- founded:成立時間
- description:描述
- about:關於
- can_post:粉絲可發文
- Photos:照片(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/photo/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(照片編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/98423808305 (A photo from the Coca-Cola page)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- tags
- name
- icon
- picture
- source
- height
- width
- images
- link
- created_time
- updated_time
- position
- Post:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- to
- message
- message_tags
- picture
- link
- name
- caption
- description
- source
- properties
- icon
- actions
- privacy
- type
- likes
- place
- story
- story_tags
- comments
- object_id
- application
- created_time
- updated_time
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Question:投票(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/question/)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/me/question(個人投票資訊)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- question
- created_time
- updated_time
- options
- QuestionOption:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/question_option/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- name
- votes
- object
- created_time
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Review:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/Review/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- to
- message
- rating
- created_time
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Status messages:近況更新(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/status/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(近況編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/367501354973 (A status message from Bret)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- message
- updated_time
- type
- SubscribedTo:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/subscribedto/)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/me/subscribedto(個人訂閱)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- name
- Subscribers:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/subscribers/)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/me/subscribers(別人訂閱你)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- name
- Subscription:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/subscription/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- object
- fields
- callback_url
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Thread:(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/thread/)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- snippet
- updated_time
- message_count
- unread_count
- tags
- participants
- former_participants
- senders
- messages
- 欄位名稱說明:
- Users:使用者資訊(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(帳號名稱)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/btaylor (Bret Taylor)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id:編號 (none)
- name:姓名 (none)
- first_name: 名 (none)
- middle_name:中間名 (none)
- last_name:姓 (none)
- gender:性別 (none)
- locale:居住地 (none)
- languages:語言 (user_likes)
- link:連結 (none)
- username:暱稱 (none)
- third_party_id:第三方編號 (需要App存取代碼access_token)
- installed:使用者是否安裝App (需要App存取代碼access_token)
- timezone:時區 (僅使用者個人才可存取)
- updated_time : (需要App存取代碼access_token)
- verified: (需要App存取代碼access_token)
- bio:
- birthday:
- education:
- email:
- hometown:
- interested_in:
- location:
- political:
- favorite_athletes:
- favorite_teams:
- quotes:
- relationship_status:
- religion:
- significant_other:
- video_upload_limits:
- website:
- work:
- Videos:影片(https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/video/)
- 存取方式:https://graph.facebook.com/(影片編號)
- 範例:https://graph.facebook.com/817129783203 (A Facebook tech talk on Graph API)
- 欄位名稱說明:
- id
- from
- tags
- name
- description
- picture
- embed_html
- icon
- source
- created_time
- updated_time
- comments